Myths about veggie dating
Myths about veggie dating
5 funny myths about veggie dating
Vegetarian dating site members often get a lot of raised eyebrows from outsiders who aren’t quite sure what to make about the idea of joining a site that is specifically devoted to a dietary choice. Truth is, many people have the wrong idea about what it’s like to date a vegan, or to even get into the veggie dating site scene. Here are five hilarious myths that we’ve heard from naysayers.1. Veggie dating means lots of yoga, lots of patchouli, and probably a lot of illicit substances. A common belief is that most vegetarians are hippies who do nothing but do yoga and break the law. Truth is that many vegetarians are college grads who often detest the smell of patchouli, and also resent the stereotype of a vegetarian single being little more than a Phish fan stereotype.
2. Being with someone who chooses to avoid meat guarantees a very boring diet. From our experience, we’ve noticed that both vegetarian and vegan singles are shockingly creative with their dietary choices, food choices, and lifestyle choices. They often have very flavorful meals that are both delicious and nutritious. And, many of them are able to whip up classic favorites that taste just like meaty dishes – without the cruelty, of course.
3. If you’re a guy who wants to date a vegan, you’re looking at a high maintenance girl. Both vegan and vegetarian singles can run the gamut from low maintenance to high maintenance. Many singles are vegan or vegetarian because of health reasons, or because of financial reasons. Assuming personality traits based on a person’s diet is just plain silly.
4. Veggie dating means dealing with a lot of people who are easily offended. Yes, vegetarians generally find fur offensive, but the truth is that most people who choose this lifestyle or dietary choice are not people who will rub it in people’s faces. They are not going to be offended if a friend eats meat, or has a leather jacket. They also are not going to be the type of people who others have to walk around eggshells near. Having been the subject of silly stereotyping, most vegetarian singles know how to laugh things off and deal with immaturity in stride.
5. Veggie dating is only an urban thing. While we are not going to deny how popular veggie dating is in places like Seattle or Brooklyn, we are going to say that it is not a strictly urban thing. There are vegetarian men and women in every single suburban location, and that means that there are people out there who share your dietary choices that live near you. As more and more people are beginning to see the many benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle, more and more singles will pop up in every town who want to look for someone else who happens to be vegetarian.
The bottom line here is that believing random myths and stereotypes about being a vegetarian or dating one is just plain silly. Every single veggie single that we’ve ever met has had a unique personality, their own lifestyle, and their own ideas on how to live life. So, when friends ask why you’re down for veggie dating, simply tell them that you’re keeping an open mind.